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Microsoft Fabric & Power BI

Microsoft Fabric

All-in-One Plattform

Microsoft Fabric is an integrated platform that brings together all data and analytics processes in the cloud. It combines data collection, storage, integration, analysis, and visualization in a unified environment. With features like Data Engineering, Data Science, real-time analytics, and Power BI, Fabric provides a seamless, scalable solution that helps businesses make data-driven decisions faster and more efficiently.

Connected Customer Experiences

Salesforce 360 integrates the Sales, Service, Marketing, Analytics, and Data Clouds into a unified platform to create a comprehensive view of the customer. Through the synergy of these modules, businesses can provide seamless customer experiences—from initial contact to after-sales service. The Data Cloud enables the aggregation and real-time analysis of large data volumes, while Analytics provides precise insights to make data-driven decisions. The result: a unified data foundation, personalized customer engagement, and increased efficiency across all business areas.

Salesforce 360°

Salesforce 360

Road to Success

Leverage custom applications strategically or unleash their full potential through automated workflows and seamless integration of data pipelines and customer profiles. We are here to help you achieve this.

  • Power BI

    Creation/Optimization of interactive dashboards based on data from diverse sources with support for role-based security and dynamic elements.

  • Data Factory

    Integration and transformation of data from various sources with scalable ETL/ELT processes. Orchestration of complex workflows for efficient data processing and delivery.

  • Data Warehousing

    Provision of a powerful, elastic data warehouse within the Microsoft Fabric environment. Enables fast queries of large data volumes.

  • Sales Cloud

    Efficient management of leads, opportunities, and pipelines to increase revenue, accelerate the sales cycle and track customer-related data.

  • Data Cloud

    A central platform for combining real-time customer data to create a unified customer profile. Ideal for personalized engagement and data-driven decisions.

  • Tableau (-CRM)

    Seamless integration of dashboards through embedding in digital workflows. Enables data-driven insights directly within the work process and supports informed decision-making.

Power BI

Erstellung/Optimierung interaktiver Dashboards mit Unterstützung von rollenbasierter Sicherheit und dynamischen Elementen.
Power BI

Data Factory

Integration und Transformation von Daten aus verschiedenen Quellen mit skalierbaren ETL/ELT-Prozessen. Orchestrierung komplexer Workflows für eine effiziente Datenverarbeitung und -bereitstellung.
Data Factory

Data Warehousing

Bereitstellung eines leistungsstarken, elastischen Data Warehouses in der Microsoft Fabric-Umgebung. Ermöglicht schnelle Abfragen großer Datenmengen.
Data Warehousing

Sales Cloud

Effiziente Verwaltung von Leads, Opportunities und Pipelines zur Umsatzsteigerung und Beschleunigung des Verkaufszyklus.
Salesforce Sales Cloud

Data Cloud

Zentrale Plattform zur Kombination von Echtzeit-Kundendaten, um ein einheitliches Kundenprofil zu erstellen. Ideal für personalisierte Ansprache und datengestützte Entscheidungen.
salesforce data cloud

Tableau (-CRM)

Nahtlose Integration von Dashboards durch Einbettung in digitale Workflows. Ermöglicht datengetriebene Einblicke direkt im Arbeitsprozess und unterstützt fundierte Entscheidungen.